Your Instructor
Yoseph A. Kassaye has been programming for around 15 years and teaching for almost 5 years. He is equiped with two masters degree, microsoft Certified professional, scrum master . He is the owner of YaYoBE which is a successful web development and Software Development company and specializes in everything from HTML5 to front end frameworks like Angular as well as server side technologies like Node.js, C#, Asp.NET, MVC, Mobile development (both Swift and Android). Yoseph has mastered explaining very complex topics in a simple manner that is very understandable. Invest in your knowledge by watching Yoseph's courses.
This course is prepared for those who would like to lean Technology in Amharic.
Course Curriculum
StartPart 1 ReactJs in Amharic Language Introduction (9:29)
StartPart 2 ReactJs in Amharic Language React Features (4:25)
StartPart 3 ReactJs in Amharic Language Setting-up Environments (13:40)
StartPart 4 ReactJs in Amharic Language Prerequisites (8:16)
StartPart 5 ReactJs in Amharic Language Structure of React (12:29)
StartPart 6 ReactJs in Amharic Language Structure and Plugin (13:33)
StartPart 7 ReactJs in Amharic Language Your First React App (22:41)
StartPart 8 ReactJs in Amharic Language Creating Logo, Nav and look and Feel (10:12)
StartPart 9 ReactJs in Amharic Language How to Modify a Web Site (12:58)
StartPart 10 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Routing Section 1 (11:59)
StartPart 11 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Routing Section 2 (8:45)
StartPart 12 ReactJs in Amharic Language - Components (14:49)
StartPart 13 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Function and Class Based Components (11:25)
StartPart 14 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Passing Objects to the Component (5:21)
StartPart 15 ReactJs in Amharic Language Passing Values from Component to another component (15:58)
StartPart 16 ReactJs in Amharic Language Children Components (8:59)
StartPart 17 ReactJs in Amharic Language Passing Arrays to Child (3:52)
StartPart 18 ReactJs in Amharic Language Displaying Arrays (11:02)
StartPart 19 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Displaying data in a table -Using React Table (4:56)
StartPart 20 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Displaying Data in a table- Setup (16:35)
StartPart 21 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Sortable and Filterable (3:38)
StartPart 22 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Table Column Alighnment, Width and Pager limit (4:42)
StartPart 23 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Styling the table (1:54)
StartPart 24 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Adding Delete Button and Row Click event (8:15)
StartPart 25 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Component Life cycle (16:51)
StartPart 26 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -When we are going to use Component Life cycle (19:56)
StartPart 27 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Component Did Update to get Data from API (8:15)
StartProject Work
StartPart 28 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Angular Project from Zero Part 1 (1:00)
StartPart 29 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Understanding the project and Mocking (9:36)
StartPart 30 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Installing third Party libraris including bootstrap (12:05)
StartPart 31 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Creating Sections of the project (components (15:02)
StartPart 32 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Creating Nav and Footer (4:59)
StartPart 33 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Setting up Search Control (7:54)
StartPart 34 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Controlled Vs Uncontrolled Components (12:52)
StartPart 35 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Understanding the project and Mocking (6:01)
StartPart 36 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Creating the table and populating Data (16:16)
StartPart 37 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Setting up Drop down list (8:27)
StartPart 38 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Populating data and selecting from drop down (5:56)
StartPart 39 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Showing and Hiding Detail (6:32)
StartPart 40 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Showing and Hiding Detail part 2 (12:19)
StartPart 41 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Filtering User Detail (10:43)
StartPart 42 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Drop down Selected Filter (4:59)
StartPart 43 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -API Request (18:34)
StartProject Two
StartPart 42 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Student Management System Project Introduction (10:34)
StartPart 43 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Student Management System Project Components (13:42)
StartPart 44 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Student Management System Project Calling Components Dynamically (12:05)
StartPart 45 ReactJs in Amharic Tutorial -Student Management System Project Altering Components (11:22)